Thursday, April 30, 2009

How to Write a Winning Resume

How to Write a Winning Resume
Written By: Darren Bocksnick © 2009

In an uncertain economy, your resume may very well become one of the greatest assets in your professional portfolio. Your resume is a powerful statement about you- your skills, strengths, education and what you have to offer to a potential employer. Therefore, having a powerful, well-written resume is essential in getting your resume to stand out and get noticed from all the rest.

Personal Directors within typical corporations are inundated with piles and heaps of resumes strewn across their desks, littering their email inboxes and sometimes, even tying up their fax lines. Amidst such fierce competition and the plethora of new jobless claims; how does one even get their resume noticed, let alone read and called in for an interview?

Though there are many factors to consider; these are in my opinion, the keys for writing a winning resume that gets noticed. Remember though, resumes are not designed to get you the job; they are designed to get you the interview. The interview of course; is your test at passing or failing at getting hired by the company. So make sure you “study up” on your interview skills; that way you can pass with flying colors!

1) Make your Resume Perfect: Resumes are a reflection of yourself and therefore should represent the best you have to offer and in all you do. Grammar mistakes on resumes are an absolute “opportunity killer” for job seekers. This is viewed as lack of attention to detail, shoddy workmanship and a careless attitude. Always use a grammar, spelling check and then proofread, again and again.

2) Make your Resume Precise: When listing important dates and numbers, be certain they are accurate and up-to-date. Misinformation is “opportunity killer” # 2. While some “flowering” words are suitable, avoid at all the costs the fluff of an over-exaggerated fact. Just keep your resume precise and the details will take care of themselves.

3) Make your Resume Presentable: Your resume is at its most fundamental level, a presentation. There’s nothing worse than a great product that’s not given justice because the presentation was lacking. You are the “product” in this analogy and your resume is “presenting” you. So, to make for an ideal presentation, use extra thick, high quality white or off-white paper. The presentation should look clean, well-formatted and legible. A resume that is difficult to look over or “follow” is “opportunity killer” # 3.

4) Make your Resume Purposeful: Generic resumes that generalize about job details or skills don’t always work. Many employers are looking for specific sets of skills to match their requirements. It’s better to have a couple of variations of your resume- tailored to the different types of industries you may be applying for or are interested in. Change up each resume just enough so that your skills and experience that are relevant to the position being offered- stand out to the employer. Write your resume with purpose because an overly generalized resume is “opportunity killer” # 4.

5) Make your Resume Powerful: Rather than writing about every “task” you did on a daily basis for your employers, describe instead how you contributed to and benefited your past employers. If possible, attach a dollar sign to the contributions you made while employed for them. This stands out to employers and catches their attention. Rather than using traditional sentence structure in your resume; start each line or bullet point with a “Power Word”. These are action words that showcase authority and results. Instead of saying, “I made sure the employees did their jobs and closed up the store at night”, say this: “I oversaw the store operations and trained employees in property security/lockdown measures for a multi-million dollar department store.” This simply says it better and sounds better. Having a powerless resume is “opportunity killer” # 5.

Resumes are powerful tools in your professional arsenal. Use them wisely and make sure they are presenting you at your very best! You deserve it and have worked hard to achieve your goals; don’t let a poorly written resume hinder you from finding and landing the job of your dreams!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Renewing Your Mind in 2009
Written By: Darren Bocksnick ©2009

Whew! The year of 2008 was quite a ride! There’s an old saying that states in essence, “sometimes we have to emphasize the negative to accentuate the positive”. So, back to 2008- many experts, much of the media and overwhelming public opinion all seem to agree that it was one of the most trying, troublesome and turbulent years we have faced in decades. With bailouts, foreclosures, bankruptcies and looming gas prices all on the rise; it’s hard to look “up” when so much appears to have taken a downturn.

Yet, successful people and entrepreneurial minded individuals alike have learned not only how to survive in such conditions; they learn how to thrive! For them, there is an age-old proven principle that is powerful enough to see beyond the present situation to envision future expectations. So, even when things appear to be their bleakest, these forward thinking individuals appear to be un-phased insomuch that outwardly, they even exhibit an impenetrable shell of positivity.

Some may ask how this is possible. Scientists have discovered the brain actually rewires itself in response to patterns of thought. If a person is prone to negative thinking or a pessimistic outlook on life, the brain rewires itself accordingly and not surprising, these individuals always seem to have no shortage of trouble occurring in their lives.

However, those same studies revealed the opposite holds equally true! If an individual decides to have a positive outlook, the brain rewires itself again to accommodate this new pattern of thought and in turn, forms that individual's "world" according to their new way of thinking! As a result, the grateful individual's life seems to be replete with good things; health, family, prosperity, abundance, goals, etc. This is not to say they don't encounter the occasional hardship but the positive things in their lives far outweigh the negative! The intended lesson here is: we are what we think and our thoughts can in fact, determine our reality!

Though this is simple in principle it may appear difficult in practice. Yet in all actuality, a little goes a long way in changing the way we think. It starts by simply planting seeds of positive thought. It may be refusing to be upset when troubling circumstances occur and instead, remaining positive through the storm. Or it may be expressing gratitude over those things one does have even when faced with loss and despair. These are simple ways of planting positive seed that one day will bloom and have fruition.

Still another form of “seed-planting” may be more difficult to master but it yields a plentiful harvest of powerful “fruit” once it is put into practice. This method of seed planting is the art of speaking positive “seeds” into your situation, regardless of how dark and dismal things may appear to be.

This can be as unnatural as seeing yourself in the mirror and saying: “I’m a winner” or “I’m special” or “I can be anything I want to be”. Since these small, incremental seeds eventually yield a positive mental harvest that affects your attitude, outlook and whole worldview, planting them often is paramount to progress.

The act of seed planting can also be as powerful as speaking out loud to your circumstances or making a bold exchange of positive “faith” words to a crowd, whether in a small group or large gathering. In doing so, your words become a powerful, creative force that will eventually form the world and circumstances you hope to see. While also, your words become a destructive force that begins to destroy and dismantle the negative environment that you are currently in.
Planting seeds always produces fruit of some kind or another.

When we plant positive seeds, the harvest that eventually comes will not only benefit us but others as well. This is wherein the true beauty lies. By a few simple changes in the way we think, we can not only create the world we want for ourselves but we can also “speak” better things into existence for the benefit of all!

Studies reveal that the brain’s neural network is “firing” off countless electrical charges in a given moment. As the body responds to different stimuli affecting the senses or the emotions, these electrical charges react accordingly. As behavioral patterns set in, the brain’s neural network becomes wired to cater to those patterns of thought and in so doing, builds that individual’s world or reality around their way of thinking.

So, if it is a negative, pessimistic set of emotions for example that lead to depression, anger and the like, then the brain’s neural network solidifies this pattern of thought and literally, forms that individual’s reality in the process. They in turn become depressed, bitter individuals prone to outbursts of anger.

Interestingly, the brain’s neural network has been shown to re-wire itself when a conscientious decision is made to think differently. Let’s say that same individual susceptible to anger makes a pointed decision to react differently to the outward stimulus and inner emotions triggering the anger. He or she decides to exercise gratitude instead of resigning to thoughts of bitterness or depression.

It is at this juncture that the brain’s neural network literally rewires itself and certain neurons that had been dormant began to fire up and establish new patterns of thought. The grateful individual then begins to experience blessing and abundance in his/her life since those things are natural outflows of a grateful attitude. In one simple of act of changing the way one thinks, new behavioral patterns set in, new experiences and opportunities present themselves and thus, a new world is formed. The individual has in fact, created a new reality for his or her self just by thinking differently.

In other words, how a person reacts, responds and thinks really does create their reality! It’s amazing to consider that we can begin to change our circumstances simply by reshaping our thought patterns.

Here's to the Mother's: A Mother's Day Poem

Here’s To The Mothers

Here’s to the mothers,
Who act so kind and dear,
A day of love and honor,
Held now and through the year.

A way of recognizing,
The good works that you do,
You’re on top and rising,
God’s favor is on you.

The hands of the creator,
Performed the perfect art,
When from the dust came mother,
Displaying his own heart.

To satisfy his pleasure,
God made the final touch,
And placed within this treasure,
A heart that loves so much.

With eyes that see the good things,
In all that people do,
As if God’s very feelings,
Were shining through and through.

Mothers are that special breed,
That God must surely bless,
For in their every word and deed,
They show him at his best!

Inspirational Quotes and Power Statements

1) “Live for the moments and relive the memories” Darren Bocksnick

2) “Exert yourself wholly, Exhaust yourself empty, Exist your life fully” Darren Bocksnick

3) “Look for the better days ahead, they will come; forget about the bad days left behind, they will go.” Darren Bocksnick

4) “Take pride in knowing you gave it your best; be humbled in knowing God will do the rest!” Darren Bocksnick

5) “Success knows no boundaries, therefore break through yours to get to where IT is at!” Darren Bocksnick

6) “Position yourself for anticipated success and you’ll have a future to look forward to” Darren Bocksnick

7) “Envision the future, embrace the present and thus, escape the past” Darren Bocksnick

8) “Imagination is cultivating the mind with seed-thoughts of creativity to yield a harvest of possibility”. Darren Bocksnick

9) “Pursue life’s meaning with one ear toward the sound of your calling and the other toward the voice of your upbringing”. Darren Bocksnick

10) “Close your eyes, stop your ears, seal your lips and silence your heart; only then can you rediscover the beauty all around you.” Darren Bocksnick

11) “Got a goal, then get in the game!” Darren Bocksnick

12) “Focus your sights, fasten your grip and fixate your steps.” Darren Bocksnick

13) “Be unprecedented: Ahead of your time, Above the grade and beyond the norm.” Darren Bocksnick

14) “DO get fired-up over the possibilities surrounding your dreams; just DON’T get burned-out over the difficulties that keep you awake.” Darren Bocksnick

15) “I find fulfillment while guitar playing; I find purpose while writing; I find myself while hiking” Darren Bocksnick

16) “So you think you’ve got it bad; the devil is locked out of his own house; has a kingdom that is crumbling under feet and is playing a losing game by fighting in a match he knows he can never win.” Darren Bocksnick

17) “Hold on through the test, hope for all the best, hone in on the rest…” Darren Bocksnick

18) “The days are short; the night is young so I’ll rest more then, once they are gone.” Darren Bocksnick

19) “The memory of never knowing what might have been is far better than the agony of knowing what was and not being able to relive it again….” Darren Bocksnick

20) “Once you rid yourself of limitations and release yourself from inhibitions, only then will you exceed all expectations…” Darren Bocksnick

21) “Success is not a ripe fruit ready to be plucked or picked for the taking; it is rather like gold and all things precious that must be dug up, chipped away at and fervently sought after like the worthwhile treasure that it is because upon its discovery; all the years of toil will be rewarded in an instant.” Darren Bocksnick

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Self Talk: Creating Worlds with Words

The power latent within the spoken word is a concept our post modern culture rarely considers, let alone puts into action. Yet, the ancients understood this well; having drawn their example from the most sacred of texts that described in full detail this creative force known as the Spoken Word.

On parchments dating back to the time of antiquity, scribes arduously penned with exacting detail the act of creation as being set in motion by the mere words of the Creator. Regardless of our stance on religious or spiritual matters; there is something about the ancient texts that awakens within each of us an insatiable hunger to know more!

The Spoken Word, was coined from an ancient Hebrew word known as Logos; which by definition means: "thought, concept or essence". In simple terms, this same Spoken Word became the very thought, concept and essence of the source from which it was derived. Hence, the Spoken Word became the embodiment baring the life-giving, creative essence of the one who spoke it!

Scribes understood the implications of this ideology well. To them, it encompassed more than even the single act of creation in all of its grandeur and majesty. The Spoken Word was to them, an active, creative force that once unleashed, continued creating; which may very well explain the mystery behind our galaxy expanding at an ever-increasing rate.

Even more compelling is that these scribes in all of their diligence and relentless quest for knowledge came to understand another, often-ignored principle behind this creative, spoken word. They discovered that this "creative" force still worked, albeit on another level. People began to adapt this mindset and concept of the spoken word and started putting it to practice!

One scholar and prophet of old declared that "God calls those things that be not as though they (already) were." But, the most renowned of them said it this way: "If YOU say unto this mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea, it shall obey you." What does all of this indicate? 1) That the power of the Spoken Word still works 2) Impossible situations are turned into possibilities 3) This power is given unto individuals who believe in it and exercise that belief by "saying" or "speaking" the Spoken Word and thereby, unleashing its creative power.

This is why I make it a practice to say this simple phrase every day: "I am blessed, I am wealthy, I am a success!" Though simple in concept; it carries deeper, more profound significance. "

I am blessed" means that you are endowed with favor and giftedness. It also entails having a grateful heart. Grateful hearts lead to happy, productive lives and success and good things always seek to make their abode in a habitat of happiness and productivity!

"I am wealthy" by definition indicates financial prosperity but in actuality; it means so much more. It can mean having a wealth of knowledge, of close family members, of dear friends or of talents. The person who has the wealth of family and friends is far richer than the monetarily rich individual without them.

"I am a success" is the summation and all encapsulating term defining what most people seek- success! This could mean in business, in education or in living out the life of one's dreams! Announcing that you are a success is reaffirming your self-confidence and confirming your faith to believe these things are not only possibly but that you are deserving of them.

When you speak these things outwardly, you unleash the creative force that can make them a reality! By openly declaring your dreams and publicly announcing your goals and aspirations as if they have already occurred; you invariably welcome them into your life. By speaking present tense of those things you desire most in your life, even though in appearance they seem to be anything but "real", you invite a miracle from the future to traverse backwards in time to the present and thus, blow into your reality!

People who constantly pronounce the negative or declare the contrary heap those very things unto themselves. This is not to say that we deny current affairs or live unprepared; but our state of mind becomes our state of being. Individuals who constantly speak of their bad health conditions; not surprisingly, have bad health. The reason is; they have invited the negative into their lives by constantly creating a negative world with their very words! The negative, just as does the positive seeks out a place of habitation to exist and flourish in. When words are spoken of a pessimistic connotation; this activates the negative charge and causes the negative to be attracted to the source of the negative: YOU! Yet, the good news is; this can be changed by simply speaking good things; positive things so that the positive can hone in on the source: YOUR LIFE!

You can control outcomes, change circumstances and welcome the kind of life that you dream of and deserve by simply "calling" what is not yet- into existence! You can turn negative and contrary circumstances into something positive, progressive and full of purpose by simply speaking to those "mountains" in your way. Those negative situations will have to obey, move out and allow the positive and blessed circumstances back in where they belong!

When you speak the Spoken Word, you unleash the very thought, concept and essence of that word, in whatever capacity. That Spoken Word becomes the embodiment of the source from which it came; which happens to be you. In other words, your Spoken Word is an extension of yourself; bringing the essence of all you hope to become- now into existence!

If your world is to have a life of purpose and abundance or favor, simply speak the Spoken Word and its creative force will begin to create your reality accordingly!